Searching for text
The search requester
You can open the search requester by clicking the search button in the button
bar, or with the Project / Search...
menu item.
For frames, the default popup menu contains a choice
to let you open the search requester for the frame.
Note that each window or frame can have its own search requester. Each requester
will have the same window number as the browser window, and the title from the
document in which is searched.
Search for
Type the text to search for in the Search for field.
Ignore case
If this checkbox is selected, AWeb will search for the text disregarding
upper and lower case. If it is unchecked, upper and lower case characters
will be treated as different.
The Search button finds the next occurrence of the search string in
the current document.
The found text is highlighted.
The window contents will be scrolled so that the
text found is on top of the window. Note that the document cannot scroll
beyond the last full window height, so if there is matching text in the
last part of the document it isn't scrolled to the top of the window.
You can use the Enter key as an alternative for the Search button.
From top
The From top button finds the first occurrence of the search string
in the document.
This button finds the previous occurrence of the search string in the
current document.
The cancel button closes the search requester.
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